Cepi Silsystem - indoor siloses for food stuff



Indor silo series SILSYSTEM for food stuff in antistatic trevira fabric with built-in filtering roof . Silo is custom made and suited for powders of density up to 1,3 kg/liter. The modular structure in galvanized steel allows quick assembling and disassembling. CAPACITY: 1-70 Mc. 
We reccommend at least 200 free millimeters above the silo (250 millimeters in case of silos with weighing system) to grant the correct functioning of the filter and mechanic safety valve. 

MODULARITY: Standard and custom silo. 

EXTRACTION GROUP: product extraction with pneumatic conveyance in sunction with butterfly valve; in pressure with rotary valve; or with (flexible or rigid, horizontal or inclined) screw conveyor. 

CEPI PATENT: Technology for equipotentiality, with ATEX conformity.

  • supporting structure in electical zinc-coated normalprophylated with wedge for quick assembling and disassembling;
  • body in ANTISTATIC trevira fabric suited for the storing of food stuff according to the CE norms for the security of powder treatmemt. It's strongly reccommended when natural oxygenation of the material is required. There is no condensation;
  • designed for installation in sheltered environments with natural or forced ventilation.
  • Overpressure security valve on the filtering roof of the silo with protection carter in painted steel (minimum pressure is 350 mm ca);
  • Pipes for pneumatic loading of Ø 100 mm in baking varnished steel with curve and fastening on a silo column;
  • Quick hook for tank camion, supports future fixing of the supplier's sigil;
  • Built-in filtering roof for the recovery of powders;
  • Prefilter with grill installed in the loading pipes to retain major impurities during loading.
  • Powder recovering FILTERS compliant with CE norms;
  • Minimum and mazimum level probes;
  • Weighing system with cells. 


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