TURBO BDS Improver für Brot

TURBO BDS Improver für Brot
TURBO BDS Improver für Brot TURBO BDS Improver für Brot
Produkt - Code


Improver optimize all aspects of bread and give the baker the necessary tolerance and flexibility during all stages of the process: mixing, raising, baking and storing.

Turbo BDS is a special baking bread improver with a dosage of 0.1 - 0.5% flour. The balance of ingredients guarantees excellent volume, freshness and good appearance of baked bread and bakery products.

Guarantees maximum volume, great appearance, good elasticity and taste. Good for flour with short extension of gluten 2-8 mm.

Dosage: 1-5 g per 1 kg of flour


Package: 10 kg bag


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