KRAS is an automatic volumetric dough divider designed for dividing alltypes of dough with a humidity up to 50%.Its key features are a wide dividing and capacity range, as well as a highdividing accuracy even for dough of variable consistency.The machine is available as a one-pocket, two-pocket or three-pocketdivider, as well as in combinations of these versions. The machine canbe employed both in semi-automatic and automatic make-up plants.The dough divider is equipped with an automatic check-weigher thatensures the maximum dividing accuracy by discarding the dough piecesthat exceed the preset weight limits, as well as it automatically adjuststhe dough divider’s dividing volume in case of excessive deviations.
- The volumetric dividing principle assures high quality of the bakedproducts.
- The fine adjustment of dough volume assures the possibility ofdividing even the softest types of dough with a minimum impact onits porosity.
- All adjustments are performed automatically through the machine’selectronic control panel (PLC).
- Automatic discarding of the dough pieces exceeding the requiredweight limits.
- High dividing accuracy with automatic dividing volume adjustmentaccording to each dough batch’ characteristics.
- Large dividing and capacity range.
- All parts in contact with dough are made of alimentaryirreproachable materials.
- Automatic lubrication of the internal outlet conveyor.
- Low oil consumption.
- Simple control of the machine.
- Automatic stop in a position facilitating the machine’s cleaning.
- The machine’s sturdy construction and high quality materials assurea long life-span.
- The machine is movable on castors.
Basic version of KRAS ATT includes:
- basic machine KRAS (KRAS1/2 or KRAS 1/2/3)
- automatic check-weigher ATT with discarding and feed-back regulation function
- weight adjustment through electro-motor
- electronic control board (PLC)
- external outlet conveyor 1000mm
- external outlet conveyor 1250 mm
- stainless steel hopper 120l
- stainless steel hopper 170l
- dough scraper with lubrication
- flour dredger
- discharge roller
- heightened frame by 180mm