Dating back from the year of 2003 LOBBI BULGARIA has become one of the best suppliers of raw materials, machinery and plastic articles for food industry, chemical and pharmaceutical branches during the dynamic development of the Bulgarian market. Our strive to be of utmost service for our customers make us constantly diversify the product range which we distribute and to continuously maintain the connection from technology to raw materials and from equipment to actual production of end-product. LOBBI BULGARIA executes sales representative and distribution rights on the territories of Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of Macedonia.
One of the branches in which the company is active is raw materials and additives for different products of food industry such as: bakery, bread baking, pastry and confectionary, meat and other delicatessen foods. The full product range and the continuous supply of new releases of products and technologies in the industry make “LOBBI BULGARIA” one of the leading companies for raw materials and technology providers for bakery and confectionary fields on the Bulgarian market.
In service of our customers we provide also the necessary recipes and technologies for production of various items and train and educate the team of the customer in everything they need for leading the production processes.
Our own experience in the field of plastic articles is mainly linked to
Our experience in the field of plastic articles is mostly linked to development of plastic items for production industries such as transporting containers, crates, trays and plastic pallets which put LOBBI BULGARIA in a leading supplier position for logistics, food and chemical industries. We offer every other plastic items which is needed both for commercial and production sectors in our country.
The main target behind LOBBI BULGARIA is to supply our customers with the best quality and worldwide brand leaders in the field of plastic articles. We use the experience and the know-how of our partners in Bulgaria and all around Europe which are among the leading companies to supply plastic items and packaging. We constantly develop investment and partner with other know-how and high-tech owners which open for us new horizons for development.
We created a system to assess the best products by processing internal and market information, feedback from our customers regarding each product. We evaluate the products and classify them in “the best product for the year” list.
Enhancing interest to our product range and services has made us take the decision to construct our own production and logistic facility. In our new facility we will unite the process from production to sale and lease or rent plastic articles and transport packaging options for our customers under the newest “Pool logistic” and "Pooling of transport packing" systems.
LOBBI BULGARIA offers the full range of machinery, equipment and accessorize for bread baking and confectionary industries, restaurants and hotels. Together we can accomplish entire projects on:
The machinery we provide is produced and certified in the EU according all European standards which makes obligatory that assembling, repair and guarantee maintenance is executed by certified technical experts. Our personnel is educated and trained by the experts of the producer companies which we represent.
With gratitude to our actual and future customers and with our genuine desire for beneficial and successful partnership we remain,